Another fine book not on your list: "Extraordinary Popular Delusions And The Madness Of Crowds". Written in 1849, the prose feels modern. The original book has about 700 pages, the first 100 about financial panics which had already happened by 1849: Tulipmania, the South Seas Bubble, the French bond bubble of the early 1700s. The other 600 pages are about all manner of foolishness- alchemy, the Crusades (all 8!), and others.

The short edition you get on Amazon is usually just the financial panics. Reading the stories gives such a fine sense of how bubbles work and what it is like to be caught up in one.

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I have heard of that one but I haven't read it. It sounds like a good one. I'm going to add it to my pile of books to read. I did read "It's Different This Time" and like it. Parts of it were way over my head at the time.

Thanks for the comment.

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''Know thyself – how to get behind the psychological side'' Agree this is so overlooked and I can only talk for myself obviously and this is my focus this year.

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It was very overlooked for me. It is still an area with lots of growth opportunities for me. lol

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