Well-done! This seems like a mature company. If they have 150km/660km of the total market for piggable pipelines, that is 20% of TAM. I would guess that 40% of the TAM is a glass ceiling. A lot of companies are shakily run, a lot have their own in-house teams to do this and they are happy with in-house performance.

I can see why they would investigate repurposing their technology to sewer pipes etc. But unless there is a regulatory regime for inspecting sewer pipes or rail ties, where is the motivation for possible customers to actually sign up?

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Jul 4Author

Thanks for the comment.

I'm not sure if there would be a regulatory push for sewage pipe inspection. Or even if there was a push, how much it would nudge a pipe owner to use OSS technology. A sewage pipe bursting doesn't make headlines like a pipeline carrying crude. Time will tell I suppose.

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I was an investor in Pure Technologies who had SmartBall TM which was dropped in pipes and did ultrasonic measurement , I'm wondering how OneSoft will get the measurements for the new modules?

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Hey David. Thanks for commenting. My understanding is that they don't need a different way to measure the pipes for new modules. They utilized the data that the smart-pigs spit out for anything that is mandated to have in-line-inspection. I think the next modules dedicated to addressing the non-piggable miles come from a variety of data sources and are much harder to standardize before performing analysis on. Having said that, I don't know if at some point down the line they partner with or purchase a company that provides a tool that will gather raw data for their platform.

Hope that helps.


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